Wanliss Pride originates in Australia and is used mostly for in-shell nuts. It was grown commonly in the 1920’s in parts of Victoria and some very productive trees remain today. Nuts may not store as long as other varieties. Hazelnuts prefer mild summers and cool winters (temperate climate) and do best when a number of conditions are met: annual rainfall of over 750 mm or additional irrigation especially while establishing after planting; and protection from wind and high summer temperatures.
• Pollination Group: Male and female flowers on the same tree don’t always flower at the same time so it is best to have other varieties present nearby to improve pollination
• Uses: eating, cooking, roasting
• Harvest: nuts fall (Feb to March)
• Chill requirement: Good yields require long cold periods of 5 to 7 deg C for about 1,200 hours. Female flowers are vulnerable to frosts of below -5 deg C especially when opening.
• Features: good flavour
Reference 4: Lyle, S. (2006) Fruit & nuts: A comprehensive guide to the cultivation, uses and health benefits of over 300 food-producing plants. Timber Press, Oregon USA.