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17 of 17 Items
  • Bing Cherry

    Bing Cherry

    Bing is the most famous sweet cherry variety in the USA. It originated in Oregon in the United States in 1875 on an orchard planted in Western Oregon by Henderson Lewelling in 1847. It takes its name from one of Lewelling's Chinese...

  • Blackboy Cherry

    Blackboy Cherry

    Very dark coloured skin and flesh, medium fruit ripens in mid December. High chill required. Pollination Group: cross with Stella, Van Uses: eating Harvest: mid-December  

  • Burgsdorf Cherry

    Burgsdorf Cherry

    A seedling that was developed at Harcourt in Victoria by Mr Burgsdorf. It is the first main commercial variety harvested each season. Burgsdorf is a dark-fleshed cherry of comparatively good size and firmness. In dry seasons, trees tend to overcrop on...

  • Early Burlat Cherry

    Early Burlat Cherry

    This variety originated in Morocco in 1936. The fruit is medium–large, rounded with red skin and flesh. It is susceptible to cracking and also requires careful handling from harvesting onwards. It blossoms mid-season and is a good quality, very-...

  • Lambert Cherry

    Lambert Cherry

    The Lambert Cherry (Prunus avium 'Lambert') has large fruit that are very deep red-purple with fantastic flavour. • Pollination Group: does better with Van, Stella or Blackboy growing nearby • Uses: eating, preserving • Harvest: mid-late...

  • Lapins Cherry

    Lapins Cherry

    Originated at Summerland in Canada, from a Van x Stella cross. The fruit is large, round–heart shaped, with dark red–mahogany skin. It has great flavour with red flesh that is firm and juicy. It blossoms early in the season and is...

  • Lapins Cherry (dwarf)

    Lapins Cherry (dwarf)

    Originated at Summerland in Canada, from a Van x Stella cross. The fruit is large, round–heart shaped, with dark red–mahogany skin. It has good flavour with red flesh that is firm and juicy. It blossoms early in the season and is...

  • Morello Cherry

    Morello Cherry

    The Morello cherry is sour to the palate when eaten fresh, but is ideal in cooking pies and preserves and making jam. The taste compliments chocolate as well. Harvest: late Dec-early Jan Image link

  • Morello Cherry (dwarf)

    Morello Cherry (dwarf)

    The Morello cherry is sour to the palate when eaten fresh, but is ideal in cooking pies and preserves and making jam. The taste compliments chocolate as well. • Uses: cooking, bottling, preserving, jam • Features: Dwarf approx. 50% of standard...

  • Napoleon Cherry

    Napoleon Cherry

    Known as a White cherry. Pale yellow-red, sweet fruit with white flesh. Good for preserving. Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0. Harvest: Mid December. Pollination Group: Blackboy, Van, Stella, Lapin

  • Simone Cherry

    Simone Cherry

    Developed in Canada, Simone has large, dark coloured fruit and is an ideal home garden variety bearing consistent heavy crops. It is self-pollinating. Pollination: self-pollinating Uses: eating Harvest: Late December - early January Image

  • Sir Don Cherry

    Sir Don Cherry

    Bred in South Australia in 1986 and under Plant Breeder’s Rights in Australia, parents Black Douglas x Stella. Dark red large kidney-shaped fruit, high cropping efficiency. Matures late December. • Pollination Group: Self pollinating •...

  • Sir Don Cherry (dwarf)

    Sir Don Cherry (dwarf)

    Bred in South Australia in 1986 and under Plant Breeder’s Rights in Australia, parents Black Douglas x Stella. Dark red large kidney-shaped fruit, high cropping efficiency. Matures late December. • Pollination Group: Self pollinating •...

  • St Margaret Cherry

    St Margaret Cherry

    The St Margaret Cherry (Prunus avium 'St Margaret') has quality large fruit that are very dark purple. • Pollination Group: does better with Napoleon growing nearby • Uses: eating, preserving, jam • Harvest: December to early January...

  • Stella Cherry

    Stella Cherry

    Originated in British Columbia, Canada in 1968. The fruit is large, heart-shaped and of the Lambert- type with a black skin. The flesh is black, moderately-firm and relatively coarse and the variety is fairly-susceptible to cracking. Trees are...

  • Stella Cherry (dwarf)

    Stella Cherry (dwarf)

    Originated in British Columbia, Canada in 1968. The fruit is large, heart-shaped and of the Lambert-type with a black skin. The flesh is black, moderately-firm and relatively coarse. Trees are vigorous, of upright, spreading habit, and productive...

  • Sunburst Cherry

    Sunburst Cherry

    Slightly earlier than Stella with dark red, delightfully sweet fruit. Pollination Group: cross with Stella or another sweet cherry variety Uses: eating Harvest: early-mid December Features: attractive as a garden specimen © Crown Copyright...

17 of 17 Items