Large shrub, small tree? It all depends on pruning style, soil fertility and the viewer's subjective definition. A 30cm bonsai oak is definitely a tree, a 2m tall multi-stemmed lilac is in our view a shrub. There are so many beautiful and versatile shrubs to choose from.

24 of 36 Items
  • Alice Eastwood Lilac

    Alice Eastwood Lilac

    Lilac Alice Eastwood (Syringa xhyacinthiflora 'Alice Eastwood') has magnificent fragrant magenta to mauve double flowers in spring, that are a deeper red to purple when in bud. This long-lived deciduous rounded shrub has green leaves that are...

  • Belle De Nancy Lilac Belle De Nancy Lilac

    Belle De Nancy Lilac

    A wonderfully fragrant double pink flower is a feature of Lilac ‘Belle de Nancy’. Flower heads (panicles) start with mauve buds in spring changing to a strong lilac-pink colour finally fading to a bluish hue in early summer. Syringa...

  • Blue Hyacinth Lilac

    Blue Hyacinth Lilac

    Lilac Blue Hyacinth (Syringa ×hyacinthiflora 'Blue Hyacinth') has lovely mauve almost blue very fragrant single flowers, with darker pinkish purple buds. The flowers resemble the flowers of the bulb Hyacinth (Hyacinthus species). This long-lived...

  • Charles Joly Lilac

    Charles Joly Lilac

    Lilac Charles Joly (Syringa vulgaris 'Charles Joly') has attractive fragrant large double flowers in tight clusters. The beautiful flowers are a striking deep reddy purple colour. The long-lived deciduous shrub has heart-shaped green leaves with some...

  • Chinese Dogwood (Cornus kousa 'Chinensis')

    Chinese Dogwood (Cornus kousa 'Chinensis')

    Cornus kousa 'Chinensis' Chinese Dogwood is a small-medium, deciduous very attractive specimen tree. Dense green foliage with tiered branches creating a vase shape to begin with before taking on a more rounded shape at maturity. Attractive, spotty...

  • Clarke's Giant Lilac

    Clarke's Giant Lilac

    Syringa x hyacinthiflora 'Clarke's Giant' (Lilac) is a deciduous medium to tall shrub with large clusters of fragrant gentian-blue flowers. The individual florets are very large. Flowers a few days earlier than most lilacs. 3m tall by 2m wide. Image...

  • Congo Lilac

    Congo Lilac

    Lilac Congo (Syringa vulgaris 'Congo') has beautiful very fragrant, large single flowers in clusters. The flower colour changes over time from claret-red to purple. The buds are a deeper colour adding more drama to the change of flower colour. This...

  • Cora Brandt Lilac

    Cora Brandt Lilac

    Lilac Cora Brandt (Syringa ×hyacinthiflora 'Cora Brandt') has stunning large clusters of fragrant double white flowers, with cream buds. The long-lived deciduous shrub has green leaves and some autumn foliage. Selected in the USA 1947. • Uses:...

  • Eric Gennet Dogwood (Cornus x 'Eric Gennet')

    Eric Gennet Dogwood (Cornus x 'Eric Gennet')

    Cornus kousa x Cornus capitata 'Eric Gennet' Dogwood is a small, semi-evergreen highly attractive specimen tree. Lush green foliage will turn to orange-red in autumn and remain on the tree (in mild climates). Bearing large, white-pink,...

  • Eva Rathke Weigela (Weigela florida 'Eva Rathke')

    Eva Rathke Weigela (Weigela florida 'Eva Rathke')

    Weigela florida 'Eva Rathke' is a sought after small deciduous shrub producing a profusion of long-lasting tubular, crimson flowers, not unlike fox-glove flowers in spring, sometimes with a sparse second late summer burst of flowers. It features...

  • Grace Smoke Bush (Cotinus coggygria x dummeri 'Grace') Grace Smoke Bush (Cotinus coggygria x dummeri 'Grace')

    Grace Smoke Bush (Cotinus coggygria x dummeri 'Grace')

    Cotinus coggygria x dummeri  'Grace' (Smokebush) is a vigorous deciduous shrub with attractive rounded leaves emerging bright wine red in spring, maturing to dark red in summer, before turning glowing shades of red, orange, and gold in autumn...

  • Katherine Havemeyer Lilac

    Katherine Havemeyer Lilac

    An old fashioned double flowering lilac, Syringa vulgaris 'Katherine Havemeyer' is an upright deciduous shrub that will take on a spreading habit as the plant matures. Dense clustered panicles of fragrant, lavender-purple flowers fade to lilac-pink...

  • Michel Buchner Lilac

    Michel Buchner Lilac

    Syringa vulgaris 'Michel Buchner' Lilac - Large shrub or small tree, growing to 4m approx in height. Glossy green, heart shaped leaves with rose pink buds - Opening to large purple flowers, with white centres upon long, slim clusters. Lovely...

  • Miss Satomi Dogwood (Cornus kousa 'Miss Satomi')

    Miss Satomi Dogwood (Cornus kousa 'Miss Satomi')

    Cornus kousa 'Miss Satomi' is a sensational small garden tree/shrub. The upright spreading canopy has seasonal features of spring 'flowers' and autumnal foliage along horizontal branches. It is sometimes called Cornus kousa 'Satomi' or 'Rosabella'...

  • Mrs Edward Harding Lilac

    Mrs Edward Harding Lilac

    Lilac Mrs Edward Harding (Syringa vulgaris 'Mrs Edward Harding') has lovely fragrant large double purpley-red flowers that lighten to pink as they age. This long-lived deciduous shrub or small tree has heart-shaped dark green leaves and some autumn...

24 of 36 Items