What your Order's Status means        Shipping and Pick-up Charges        Combining Multiple Orders

We accept plant orders during autumn and winter each year.
These are shipped or available for collection during winter/early spring.
Non-plant products are available throughout the year.

When will I get my trees?

Deliveries and order collections commence mid-July after all plants have been lifted and prepared for dispatch.

Orders are shipped via Australia Post. Please don't send special delivery instructions - your order will be delivered by Australia Post in the same way it would handle any parcel. Plants may have to be pruned to meet the maximum length of 105cm allowed by Australia Post for parcels.

  • Plant orders can be collected at our farm nursery by selecting the pick-up option at Check Out.
  • Purchases are processed in the order in which they were received.
  • We send you an email when your order is ready for collection or has been shipped.
  • We cannot give delivery dates in advance.
  • We can delay dispatching your order if you email us with the dates you will be away.
  • We aim to complete shipping by around the end of August

Mail Order Range

Our mail order range includes grafted, budded and cutting grown trees, vines and bushes†. Check our FAQs for a fuller description of our fruit trees.

†Figs, blueberries, grapevines and pomegranates are cutting grown, raspberry canes are offsets.

Interstate Ordering

We accept orders from the ACT, South Australia, Victoria, NSW and Queensland. We can only send Grapevines to Victorian addresses.

Combining Multiple Orders

Yes! We are happy to combine all your orders into a single order until we start picking and packing work (we will let you know by email when that happens). This keeps shipping costs to the same amount that would have been charged had you placed a single order for everything you purchased. This option is not available when FLAT RATE Shipping via Australia Post is offered.

Select the Shipping Method option: POST with my earlier order(s) for second and subsequent orders at checkout. 

If you plan to pick up multiple orders select the shipping option: Collect your order for all your orders at checkout. Wait until you have received emails from us that ALL of your orders are AWAITING PICKUP before coming to collect them.

This offer is not available for non-plant orders. That's all there is to it.

Shipping Charges

Shipping charges can be confirmed when checking out before finalising your purchase. Our Shipping Charge includes labour and materials for picking out, final washing, trimming, tying, bagging, final wrapping, postage and associated administration. The cost to process additional trees after the first is considerably lower so a large proportion of the shipping charge occurs even if a single tree is sent. Much of the work is done outdoors by our wonderful team working in often inclement winter weather. We aim to cover our costs as much as possible with the Shipping Charge.

Order Status

When you place an order it is given an Order Status. You can see the Order Status of your order(s) by logging in to your account. In most cases when your Order Status changes you will receive an email alerting you to the change.

This is what the different Order Status designations mean:


This means that your order has been accepted and is paid for, but has not been internally processed or picked out.


This means your order is about to be picked out and packed and can no longer be changed or combined with new orders.


Your order is ready for collection on the nominated days. WE WILL SEND AN EMAIL WHEN YOUR ORDER IS READY with the available pick-up dates.


Some items in your order have been shipped. This occurs when non-plant items such as labels or tools are shipped to you before fruit trees are ready. WE SEND AN EMAIL THE DAY WE SHIP YOUR ORDER.


Your order has been shipped. WE SEND AN EMAIL THE DAY WE SHIP YOUR ORDER.


Your order has been cancelled.